At Dean’s Catering located in Los Angeles, we are always on the lookout for exciting and healthy food trends to bring to our location and production catering services
Check out the top five healthy food trends of 2012 we have discovered:
Trend #1: Vegetable Desserts!
Forget sugar laden carrot cake and pumpkin pie, creative chefs are now using vegetables as the staple ingredient in many of their latest desserts. Think cauliflower cheesecake, eggplant and chocolate muffins and black bean brownies! Many vegetables possess sweet and spicy notes, which make them the perfect base for many contemporary desserts.
Trend #2: Flexible Veganism
With obesity being officially named the biggest health threat this century and studies’ finding that adopting a vegan diet is of more benefit to the planet than driving a Prius, many people are becoming “weekday vegetarians” or “flexitarians”. This social trend is for those who mostly eat vegetarian diets but still eat meat from time to time.
Trend #3: Crispy Skinned Meats
Contrary to popular belief, chicken skin may not be as unhealthy as once thought. 50% of the fat in chicken has been found to be heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, and 43% of fat found in pork skin has been found to be unsaturated- with most of it being oleic acid (the same healthy fat found in olive oil). They key with preparing healthy crispy skinned meats is to bake, not deep fry the skins.
Trend #4: Gluten-Free Restaurants
Gluten free food (free of wheat, barley and rye gluten) is one of the fastest expanding sectors of the food industry. This is in part due to the rapid rise in people suffering from celiac disease, and other autoimmune diseases that improve by following a gluten free diet.
Even if you don’t need or want to go 100% gluten-free, consuming the wheat free products in gluten free menu options is a healthy habit to adopt.
Trend #5: Delicious Dishes Made from Trees
Chefs are increasingly using pine needs, eucalyptus leaves and bark to infuse flavour in their dishes. Keep an eye out for meats, vinegars, butters and soups infused with tree bark and leaves. With pine needles containing five times more vitamin C than lemons, and eucalyptus leaves presenting a range of health benefits, it’s high time to start consuming trees for tea!
At Deans Catering located in Los Angeles, we strive to design innovative menus that are healthy, delicious and exciting!
Filed under: Location Catering, News by Dean's Catering